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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Three Red Lights on Xbox 360 Fix - Permanently Fix Three Red Lights on Xbox 360

Three Red Lights on Xbox 360 Fix - Permanently Fix Three Red Lights on Xbox 360
So, you're looking to fix your broken Xbox 360?
How did I know?Probably because 10% of all Xbox 360s will develop the dreaded Three Red Lights, commonly referred to as the Red Ring of Death (RROD).
And the sad thing is, Microsoft has done very little to help the gamer community. We fork out 200 dollars or more for a product that's almost guaranteed to fail, and then are squeezed into paying expensive and (what should be) unnecessary support from the company.

So What's the Answer?
When it comes to the Three Red Lights on Xbox 360 Fix, you have 2 choices:
1. Send the console off to Microsoft, pay for expensive repair services (not including costly shipping costs), wait 4-6 weeks for them to ship it back, and deal with horrible customer service along the way.
2. Fix it yourself.
Fix it Myself! Are You Crazy?
Don't freak out, I'm not crazy.
Contrary to what you might think, fixing an Xbox 360 is really easy. You don't have to be a computer genius or a technical guru. All it takes is a few tools you're bound to have around your house, some time, and a guide with step-by-step instructions to idiot-proof the process.
The reason that you get those three red lights on Xbox 360 is because of something called an X-clamp.
The X-clamp holds the graphical processor in place and when the system gets too hot, it flexes and causes you to get an error message - three red lights.
What About my Warranty?
So you're still under warranty? That means you'll pay to have your 360 shipped off, wait 4-6 weeks, then get a refurbished system back that will most likely give you those same three red lights in the near future.
You Said it Takes a Few Tools. What kind of Tools?
For the three red lights on Xbox 360 fix, you'll need nothing more than a screwdriver and a knife to pop the case off.

How Long Does it Take?
Got 45 minutes to 1 hour? Then you can have your Xbox 360 up and running just like new.
How Much is a Repair Guide Going to Cost?
The Three Red Lights on Xbox 360 Fix Guide that I use costs $30.
That includes pictures, step-by-step videos, online support, and a money back guarantee.
That's right, if it doesn't work (if you start watching the videos and still think you're in over your head) you can get a full refund.

So my question to you is what's the risk?
You're 360 isn't going to start magically working again. You're going to put more money in Microsoft's pockets if you send it off to them. And you'll have to wait a month or more to get your console back, on top of that! So why not try fixing it yourself. I did, saved a fortune, and want to help everyone else do the same.

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